Belated Back to School
As my son Rawad set off on a new school year, I couldn’t but think of how “going to school” in Lebanon has become a privilege, rather than a right, where uncertainty is constantly at its peak, tuition became a heavier burden, and corruption ate what was left of public schools, who might have had little chance of receiving students or providing quality education this year. Compromises on our children’s education have become unfortunately “okay”!
We live in a country that, for decades, was ranked at the top of the educational sector, and graduated leaders to the world, and that today is sinking and dragging its young minds with it. Children that should be eagerly learning and getting groomed to build tomorrow’s society, are many instead at home, wondering what’s next for them, feeding on the anxiety they feel in their parents’ daily gas, electricity, water, and generators stories.
Definitely unfair… though what is fair these days?
Our children deserve every right to quality education and our government has a duty to fulfill this right!
Not trying to put anyone down with this post, but I had to raise my voice and state a reality that I can’t remain silent about.
Bless our children with health, knowledge, and peace, hoping (and working together) for a better year ahead.
Sending you love, always!